Bin Clean-Out and Storage
Bins must be thoroughly cleaned out and inspected prior to storing Food Grade and Identity Preserved crops. There should be NO visible residue. Bin cleaning procedures are as follows:
- Thoroughly sweep or brush down walls, ceilings, ledges, rafters, braces, and handling equipment and remove debris from bins.
- Remove all debris from fans, exhausts, and aeration ducts (also from beneath slotted floors, when possible)
- Remove all debris from the storage site and dispose of it properly (the debris usually contains insect eggs, larvae, pupae, and/or adults, ready to infest the newly harvested grain)
Bins must be in good condition prior to storing Food Grade and Identity Preserved crops. Inspection of the bin may include the following:
- Repair and seal all damaged areas to the grain storage structure. This is to prevent insect migration and water leakage into the bin, which leads to mould growth and spoiled grain.
- Check for these leaks by looking for light coming into the bin. Moisture coming into the bin through the seal between the bin and concrete will cause spoilage around the perimeter of the bin at the base.
- Check the seal since sealants do deteriorate. Water will run away from the seal at the base of the bin wall if the concrete is sloped away from the bin.
- Also check the seals around the doors and hatches.
- Equipment used to unload storage bin must be thoroughly cleaned and inspected prior to usage.
- Bins used for Food Grade and Identity Preserved crop should be identified to prevent accidental contamination.
- The grower should keep written records of what crop was in their storage bin prior to filling with Food Grade and Identity Preserved crops.